Did you know the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries? Big or small, our gardens can help nature recover and improve our environment and our well-being!


UPDATE: I have now put together the front cover for the book to whet your appetite. You will find this book unlike any other gardening book! The book will be 210 x 210 mm square and full colour throughout.

The book will turn gardening on its head and open your mind and eyes to a fresh new approach. You will quickly discover why gardening should really be about growing ecosystems as nature intended, not just plants. The time to help UK wildlife, the environment and our well-being is now! It is your chance to think differently!

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Welcome to Our Gardens Matter!

Our gardens matter, and they matter now more than ever before. We live in an age where the world is facing severe environmental challenges. Our wildlife is disappearing, our soil is eroding, and our air quality is deteriorating. The United Kingdom, like many other countries around the globe, is struggling to maintain its ecological balance. I began ‘Our Gardens Matter’ to help inspire people to face these challenges by creating healthy and sustainable gardens for all living organisms.

I’m creating a mini nature reserve in my small garden

Having a small garden doesn’t necessarily mean you’re limited to what wildlife can call it home. On the contrary, by carefully selecting plants and including habitats such as water features, a small garden can become a thriving ecosystem in its own right. Butterflies, bees, and other pollinators will flock to nectar-filled blooms. Birds and insects will appreciate the shelter provided by tall grasses or shrubs. Even if you don’t have much space, planting climbers or hanging baskets can help maximize vertical spaces and encourage different species to visit. In short, creating a mini nature reserve in your garden can be both simple and rewarding – not just for you but for the wildlife that shares your habitat! 

Who am I?

My name is Scott J Millin, you may know me as the author of ‘The Easy-care Garden’ Book. I founded ‘Our Gardens Matter’ as a response…

Resting bumblebee covered in pollen

Wildlife spotting

I’m going to prove how important our gardens are in supporting wildlife by documenting the many species my small garden is attracting!


Need gardening help?

Don’t worry, I have you covered. My very popular straightforward talking book ‘The Easy-care Garden’ is just what you need!


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Read the blogs

Here I am going to share useful blogs to help you along the way!

Are plants intelligent?

Plants, by traditional human standards, may not be considered intelligent beings. However, recent scientific research has started to challenge this perception. By Scott J MillinWhile plants[…]

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Installing a bug box

Every garden needs a bug box!

It is estimated that our insects have declined by 60%. Now is the time to act and help out the little guys by providing safe[…]

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Managing blanket weed in garden ponds

Unraveling blanket weed

Here we discuss the benefits of blanket weed in cleaning ponds, the reasons for controlling its growth, and some methods that can be employed for successful management. Read More

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Helping hedgehogs in the garden

Helping hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are the UK’s most beloved noctural mammal. However, hedgehogs face many challenges; Our Gardens Matter shows how you can best help these endearing creatures. Read More

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How I am creating a sustainable garden habitat

Although my garden may be small, it is a thriving ecosystem designed around a woodland edge theme. Every plant species has earned its place, from small growing trees and shrubs to low-growing ferns. Each one serves an integral role in creating a diverse and abundant habitat. The garden provides wetland areas, shelter for birds, and hiding places for small mammals like hedgehogs. Even the fallen leaves serve a purpose as they decompose and nourish the soil. The garden boasts a range of vibrant blooms that attract bees and butterflies. From early spring bulbs to late-blooming dahlias in autumn, there is always something new to discover in this microcosm of nature. Despite its size limitations, my little corner of the world proves that even small spaces can make a big impact on our environment.

From bare lawn to wildlife garden

Creating a small garden nature reserve!

Creating my wildlife-friendly garden was such a rewarding and educational process. Before, my outdoor space was a flat and boring lawn with no real purpose. So I decided to transform it into a haven for local wildlife.

Creating a wildlife stream border in the garden

Making a mini-ecosystem is so rewarding!

I added both native and non-navtive plants that attract bees, butterflies, and birds, as well as providing shelter for small mammals like hedgehogs. I built a small pond and little stream that quickly became home to frogs and newts, etc.

These are wildflowers not weeds

Great for mental health and well-being!

It’s been amazing watching the transformation over the years – now my small garden is full of life and activity. The best part is knowing that I’m making a small contribution to helping out our local wildlife populations.

If we all spent 15 minutes making a wildlife passageway in our fences, then together we could make a massive difference to our declining wildlife.