Garden amphibians

Wildlife spotting

Here I am documenting all the various creatures my small garden is attracting!

This page is an ongoing work in progress and will regularly be updated, so do return often to view all the new entries catalogued. It will serve as a helpful identification and cross-reference for the wildlife you may spot in your garden. Click on the images for further information about the fascinating creatures visiting my garden.

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Amphibians play a vital role in the ecosystem, and their conservation is of paramount importance. The UK is home to six native amphibian species, including common frogs, common toads, palmate newts, smooth newts, great crested newts, and natterjack toads. These species are widely distributed across the country, inhabiting various aquatic habitats including garden ponds. Amphibians face numerous threats, including habitat destruction due to urbanization and pollution from agricultural runoff. Additionally, climate change poses a significant risk to these creatures by altering their breeding patterns and disrupting their life cycles. By raising awareness about their ecological significance and implementing effective conservation measures, we can ensure the continued existence of these fascinating creatures and maintain the balance of our delicate ecosystems in the UK.

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